Configure Custom Logs
You must have the appropriate licences and roles to use the Custom Log functionality.
The Custom Log functionality is controlled by the following licences:
- ConfigurableScreens - enables access to the Custom Logs functionality in the Screen Manager module
- EBS4LearnerLog - enables access to the Learner Log in Learner Details
- EBS4CurriculumLog - enables access to the Curriculum Log button on the Curriculum ribbon
- EBS4FeesLog - enables access to the Fees Log button on the Payments ribbon
- EBS4OrganisationLog - enables access to the Organisation Log button on the Admin Commands ribbon in the Organisation Management module
The following optional licences can be used to extend the core Custom Log functionality:
- EBS4LearnerComLog - controls learner communications in the Learner Log functionality
- EBS4LearnerComms - controls the Documents and Communications module, which includes the Communications Log screen
- EBS4Action - controls Actions functionality in ebs: central